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What an amazing opening night performance we had on Saturday, September 2.  The Clinton Street Theater was alive with vivacious expectation from the moment the doors opened at 6:30 for the pre-show reception.  Friends of tellers; members; friends of members; past audience members; newsletter subscribers; friends of friends; and many who found out about the evening thru the CST and PSG publicity.  All talking, visiting and filling the theater with bubbly conversation.  From the moment the show began, all that energy quickly transformed into laughter, delight and even a few well placed tears.  The smiles that entered the theater were larger and much more vibrant as they left at the end.

The joyful success of the evening was a result of so many persons’ efforts.  At the risk of overlooking someone, here is a quick acknowledgment of gratitude to so many who contributed in various ways to making the evening such a hit:

THANKS to Julie, Brianna and Ken for a well rounded, humorous, touching and delightful show to begin our season.

MERÇI to Ed and Kriya for taking the lead on planning an “opening night” for our season.

GRACIAS to Anne P, Janet, Noreen and John W for joining Ed and Kriya for a brainstorming and planning session.

DANKE to Ken, Kryia and Ed for all their publicity efforts, especially the push during the last week.

GRAZI to Brianna for being willing to be on TV on Friday morning to help publicize the opening show.

MAHALO to Lani Jo and the crew of the Clinton Street Theater for making the space available and working with our crazy idea of a PSG hosted ‘bar’ so each guest could have a drink for the reception.

GO RAIBH MAITH AGAT to Patrick for doing the shopping and delivery of so many nibbles and bottled drinks for our reception, and for manning the reception food table.

TAKK to Kriya, Kitty and Kriya’s sister for helping set up the reception, and for being such welcoming greeting hosts for our guests at the door and on the reception tables.

MERÇI to Janet, Patrick and Ken for providing tables for the reception.

DANKE to Anne Louise for providing background music and leading the assembled audience in an impromptu sing-a-long as the reception hour came to a close.

THANKS to the 150 plus who came to make our opening night at Clinton Street Theater such a success. Especial THANKS to all the PSG members who came to support their fellow tellers and the Guild.

GO RAIBH MAITH AGAT to Holly who laid out the printed programs and their content.

MERÇI to Steve R. who video’d the performance and will make it available in the next weeks.

GRACIAS to Ed and Anne Louise who missed part of the first half in order to pick a volunteer from the audience members willing to tell a story.

MAHALO to Juliana Person who bravely stepped forward and shared a quick, surprising and thrilling story for the audience with only 15 minutes warning.

GRAZI to Anne Louise who took time during the intermission to provide a bit of coaching to Juliana Person and gave an off-the-cuff intro for our audience teller.

TAKK to Janet, Patrick, Kryia for helping to swiftly clean up after the final curtain.

MERÇI to Ed for collecting the audience comments and being willing to process them afterwards so PSG can learn from the audience.

And once again —  MANY THANKS to Julie, Brianna and Ken for a great program to open our season at CST.

—  Eric Foxman



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