“Why do you not laugh? If I did not laugh, I would die!”
When we think of Abraham Lincoln, we don’t exactly think of a jokester. Seattle storyteller Norm Brecke asks us to reconsider this weekend as his “Lighter Side of Lincoln” tour comes to Portland.
Norm has had a long-time interest in the American president. “He was my hero my whole life,” he says, “And I was always so impressed that this man could go from living in a log cabin to becoming president of the United States. He didn’t like where he was, so he re-invented himself.”
“The Lighter Side of Lincoln” will feature stories about Lincoln, as well as stories that he, himself, loved to tell, as well as the music of his time. “Lincoln would sometimes brood a bit,” says Norm, “But when his friend and assistant pulled out his banjo and played, Lincoln would sing loud. Not well, mind you, but nice and loud.”
Come experience “The Lighter Side of Lincoln” for yourself this Sunday, February 16, at 4:00pm at the home of PSG teller Anne Rutherford. Email anne@annerutherford.com to reserve your spot. Tickets are $12 at the door.